That's a very good set of criteria, Kevin; I think it helps frame the 

I think the argument is that, based on experience with the transpilers, it is a 
footgun, with related to people not knowing when to use which. This has been 
exacerbated by transpilers not correctly distinguishing `import x from "y"` and 
`module x from "y"`, and the complete lack of stable usable documentation for 
the spec. In my opinion, people have not had enough experience with a 
documented, stable, spec, or with non-buggy transpilers, so trying to argue 
that it is a footgun in the current environment should not hold much weight.

There are also arguments that it is not useful, but I think those arguments are 
specious for the reasons I've already been over earlier.

From: es-discuss <> on behalf of Kevin Smith 
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 15:50
To: Brian Di Palma
Cc: es-discuss list
Subject: Re: Re: Rationale for dropping ModuleImport syntax?

I was more wondering if there was anything preventing a module import
statement from being added later, if it was found to be a requirement.
I can't see any reason why it couldn't, that would also allow time for
bikeshedding the syntax.

It could be added later, but to turn the question around:  why should it be 
dropped?  It has been part of the design for a very long time, it's currently 
used by many people working in the ES6 space, and it meets a semantic need.

If you want to drop a feature this late in the game, then you need to show that 
it's one of the following:

1. Buggy
2. A footgun
3. Not useful
4. Future-hostile

I don't see that it meets any of those requirements, do you?

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