On Wed Nov 12 2014 at 1:33:52 AM James Long <longs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After a brief twitter conversation last night
> (https://twitter.com/lbljeffmo/status/532402141001179136) I thought
> I'd post some thoughts I've been having about async/await.
> I feel like I'm about to walk into a pit where people throw lava at
> each other, but I need to see if at least a few other people agree
> with me.
> I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't like promises behavior of
> automatically suppressing all errors. But I know there advantages to
> it. Pros & cons, you know. However, recently there's been talk of
> adding special builtin `async` and `await` features to ES7. This is
> cool, except that currently they are built on top of promises, meaning
> you get the same suppress-error-by-default behavior.
> Meaning, if I had the following:
> async function foo() {
>   throw new Error('bad');
> }
> You wouldn't see this error unless you remember to somehow "end" the
> async chain. Am I correct in this?
> The thing is, I think we actually have a chance to fix this since
> async/await will be special builtin syntax. Let's first take a look at
> C# error handling behavior (which supposedly is what inspired
> async/await):
> async static void AsyncVersion() {
>    // uh oh error happened
> }
> The above code throws the error by default, no special handling
> needed. Isn't that cool? But what if you want to handle errors
> asynchronously? Well, C# knows that you don't return anything above,
> so it knows if can just throw it. If you want to forward the error,
> you need to return a Task:
> async static Task AsyncVersion() {
>   // throw an error
> }
> So there's actually 2 different ways to suggest how to forward/throw
> errors. This makes async/await insanely cool because you know at some
> point at the top of chain the error will always throw, since you will
> always be calling it from a top-level void async function.
> Can't we do the same with our async/await? What if we made it only
> possible to call async functions from other async functions, made
> `async function` throw by default (not forward), but introduced
> `async^` which would forward?
> async^ function foo() {
>   // errors here are captured and forwarded
> }
> async function foo() {
>   // errors here are thrown in the JS processes
> }

I don't understand how that would work? The exception might not happen in
the current turn.

async function foo() {
  await sleep(1000);
  throw new Error();

Maybe all you were saying is that, if there is an exception before the
first await then throw instead of reject?

> This makes it the default behavior to be "forgot to forward error"
> instead of "forgot to log the error", which is better imho. I'm sure
> there are problems with this, and the community might hate it. If so
> please let's just move on and not make this a holy war. I can accept
> that the JS community has already embraced promises-style error
> handling. But I thought I'd throw this quick idea out there.
> With <3,
> - James
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