On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Dmitry Soshnikov <dmitry.soshni...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Christoph Pojer <
> christoph.po...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Tim Yung and I have hacked on a reference implementation for the
>> "Existential Operator" using esprima-fb and jstransform: "a?.b"
>> Example:
>> `a?.b` => `(a == null ? void 0 : a.b)`
>> `a?.b.c` => `(a == null ? void 0 : a.b.c)`
>> This must also make sure that `a` only gets evaluated a single time.
>> Based on previous discussions on es-discuss and TC39, it seems that
>> this was tabled for ES6. I think now is a good time to bring it up for
>> ES7. There is precendence for this feature in other languages - it was
>> recently added to C# and Hack and has always been in CoffeeScript.
>> TypeScript is waiting for TC39:
>> https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/16
>> In the past, this topic has invited a lot of bikeshedding, but I'd
>> like us to look past this. Several communities within and outside the
>> JS community have identified the need for this operator. My
>> understanding is that a decision needs to be made about whether the
>> operator should short-circuit additional invocations in the call chain
>> if the operand is null (aka. null propagation).
>> For example, if `a` is null, should `a?.b.c`:
>> 1) evaluate to `(void 0).c` and throw a TypeError?
>> 2) short-circuit at `a` and return `void 0`?
>> It appears that C# chose option #2 whereas Hack and CoffeeScript chose
>> option #1. Our current implementation chose option #1
> Hold on, I guess it's a typo, since as discussed in the internal
> conversation, and based on the implementation, your current prototype
> transform implements option (2). I.e. it's not yet compositional.
> CoffeeScript also has option (2), and is not compositional, since:
> `a?.b.c` and `(a?.b).c` have different semantics in case if `a` is `null`.
>> but we'd be
>> happy to build a reference implementation for option #2.
> Yeah, (2) will make it compositional.

Err, option (1) I meant of course.

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