Kevin Smith wrote:
We should perhaps review this old thread:

for another possible way to avoid non-compositionality.  (Look for the
suggestion about "Nil".  It's basically an exotic falsey object which
returns itself for any property lookups or calls.)

Going a bit deeper this way, this thing (changing ref to Nil which always returns Nil upon call, construct and get, and getting back undefined when value is needed) have nicely separated concerns:

Let's say '?foo', as an unary oper
ator, when foo is a reference, returns Nil when foo is reference to null or undefined, otherwise leaves it unchanged. Then:

 ?a.b.c just works,
 ?d() just works,
new ?e[i]() just works, etc,. since ref is changed to Nil if the thing is null/undefined, it propagates through calls and gets, then changes itself to undefined value. The priority of ? must be pretty high, though, to only apply to nearest token.

Plus, it can be used for "normalizing" null/undefined to undefined:

 var normalizedFoo = ?foo;

Seems sort of nice that it is separated and there are no special operations for ?., ?(, ?[.

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