Strict mode also made runtime-incompatible changes, e.g. arguments[i] not
aliasing i'th formal parameter, which required two-way testing while strict
mode adoption was nascent or partial (which of course many devs skipped).

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 9:53 AM Andreas Rossberg <>

> The "ability to do sound static analysis" is not a binary characteristics.
> You can do analysis on JS. With strict mode you have a couple more
> invariants, so can do slightly better, but from my perspective it's not
> even close to a game changer.

Agreed (static analysis approximates runtime, so the ability to do it is of
course not binary -- many trade-offs).

>From my memory of the meetings and online discussions, strict mode was not
meant to make static analysis significantly easier. More important was
enabling Caja (now SES) to "use strict" and do less work, static and at
runtime. Implementation and legacy loopholes continue to confound such
efforts :-).

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