any thoughts? i'll break the ice with a quora question i recently answered

quora question:
> Why is JavaScript so hated?

answer posted:
>the primary reason is because traditional oop skills gained from 
>c#/c++/java/python/etc translate poorly to javascript.
>in javascript, class-instantiated objects are inferior to plain-objects, 
>because plain-objects come with JSON.stringify/JSON.parse baked-in, while 
>classes require needless extra serialization/deserialization routines which 
>can easily double your codebase or more (as real-world javascript-code is 
>heavily i/o based). i would say many people burn-out from frontend-programming 
>because they can’t cope with debugging all the i/o edge-cases 
>serializing/deserializing their custom classes.
>javascript and frontend-programming is essentially about efficiently managing 
>the program-state like a baton, constantly passing it back-and-forth between 
>the browser’s ui and various backend-servers / persistent-storage. plain 
>json-objects utilizing idiot-proof JSON.stringify/JSON.parse, are naturally 
>better at this baton-passing business than writing classes with custom 

there's currently a civil war going on in frontend-development,
between those who don't want to deal with writing extra class-based
serializers/deserializers and those who do.  these 2 different design
patterns have incompatible styleguides that often break web-projects
when people try to mix-and-match both together.  i don't have a simple
solution to this issue, but tc39 should be made aware of it as they
try to formulate a javascript vision that doesn't alienate

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