i support @anders’ *conservative* scheme and opened up a github-issue to try 
and get it included before stage-4 [1].  this might be one of the 
last-opportunities to change the behavior before its set-in-stone.

there was a previous github-issue on bigint JSON-support [2] (that led to the 
current behavior no one is happy about), but it never discussed the 
*conservative* scheme, hence the revisit.

to summarize, the *conservative* scheme basically copies the same JSON-behavior 
as Date.  users are already familiar with serializing Date, so there shouldn’t 
be any surprises (or at least less-surprises than throwing an error).  this is 
the simplest, actionable, and least-offensive-to-all-parties solution i can 
think of (unless someone has a less-offensive-to-all idea).  its also 
applicable in solving the same-issue for future primitives like BigDecimal.

var aa;

// we copy JSON-behavior of Date
aa = 12345678901234567890n // <bigint primitive>
aa = JSON.stringify(aa) // '"12345678901234567890"' (escaped string)
aa = JSON.parse(aa) // '12345678901234567890' (un-escaped string)
aa = BigInt(aa) // <bigint primitive> (no precision-loss)

aa = new Date() // <Date object>
aa = JSON.stringify(aa) // '"2018-07-28T09:41:47.519Z"'' (escaped string)
aa = JSON.parse(aa) // '2018-07-28T09:41:47.519Z' (un-escaped string)
aa = new Date(aa) // <Date object>

[1] github-issue - revisit: Support JSON serialisation of BigInt values

[2] github-issue - [closed] Support JSON serialisation of BigInt values

kai zhu

> On 29 Jul 2018, at 12:17 PM, Anders Rundgren <anders.rundgren....@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> As I have tried (apparently in vain) to describe, the other languages already 
> have solutions for BigInt (and much more), which the respectively authors 
> consider both sufficient and good.
> ES6 is pretty late in the game and therefore rather have to adapt itself to 
> the other players.
> These are the options:
> https://esdiscuss.org/topic/json-support-for-bigint-in-chrome-v8#content-30
> - "Conservative" works right out of the box (although in a somewhat inelegant 
> way).  It is backward compatible with many existing ES and non-ES JSON based 
> applications.
> - "RFC8259" support would require changes to the ES6 JSON object.  For 
> parsing (`JSON.parse2()`), a `JSONNumber` object as proposed by Michael 
> Theriot seems like a candidate.
> I have limited faith in extending the (for general purpose information 
> interchange) already pretty deficient JSON type scheme; state-of-the-art 
> applications check indata anyway making explicit type information redundant.
> Anders

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