this is not a troll-account, and I’m a live-person with realistic (albeit 
uncomfortable) views on limitations of javascript product-development in 

es6 seems to adopt java’s philosophy that with careful-planning, you can create 
semi-permanent, well-abstracted code during the design-phase that will last 
throughout the product-development cycle.  my experience with numerous 
web-projects, both successful and failed, indicates this approach as flawed.  
and i believe most people in industry who have been burned by failed 
web-projects in the past (due to over-encumbered/engineered initial-designs 
that couldn’t cope with realities of product integration/qa) are wary of hiring 
unproven java-turned-js devs who still hold these brittle design-philosophies.

there's no such thing as “permanent” javascript-code in product-development.  
everything eventually gets rewritten, when the inevitable business-critical ux 
feature-request comes in that you must accommodate, even though it breaks your 
current integration-workflow.  when this common scenario plays out in industry:

a) the [inexperienced] unqualified js-dev likely dithers, unwilling/unable to 
unwind the complicated initial-design they architected to accommodate the 
feature-request, while
b) the [experienced] qualified js-dev would have anticipated this, and simply 
rewrites their initial expendable-code with new expendable-code to accommodate 
the feature-request (with expectation it will be rewritten again-and-again in 
the future).

its difficult for employers to discern whether js-devs will exhibit trait a) or 
trait b) through technical-interview alone.  and es6 skews this with 
design-patterns biased towards trait a), further confusing employers seeking 
qualified js-devs.

kai zhu

> On 23 Sep 2018, at 1:43 AM, Zlatko Đurić <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't know why I can't resist this troll. I've just spent half an hour 
> writing an elaborate answer on how the whole premise is wrong, knowing that 
> this is a known troll account. Well, I've deleted it all and will not fall 
> for his trolling again.
>  (Btw I thought this list is moderated, how come his same-all troll ramblings 
> always pass the mods?)
> Zlatko 
> On Sat 22. Sep 2018 at 18:26, Michael J. Ryan < 
> <>> wrote:
> Considering how many js devs fail to answer "what values evaluate to false in 
> JavaScript". It isn't the new features that are the problem.
> There's a combination of problems.  People believing they're better 
> developers than they are.  People who look down on js and front end 
> development.  And those ahead to learn new things.
> JS isn't really evolving any more than Java, C#, go, python and others as a 
> whole in the past 20 years.  And having to fight uphill to use newer features 
> is a pain.  I'm not on the younger side of this (I'm 42)... But I've managed 
> to keep up.
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2018, 17:14 kai zhu < 
> <>> wrote:
> a problem i've observed in industry is that many es6 language-features have 
> the unintended-consequence of incentivising incompetent javascript-developers 
> at the expense of competent-ones.  its generally difficult for many employers 
> (even those knowledgeable in general-purpose programming), to discern between:
> a) a competent javascript employee/contractor who can get things done and 
> ship products (albeit with legitimate delays), and
> b) an incompetent-one who can easily hide themselves in non-productive es6 
> busywork, and continually pushback product-integration (again with 
> “legitimate” delays, until its too late).
> its gotten bad enough that many industry-employers no longer trust 
> general-purpose-programming technical-interviews when recruiting js-devs, and 
> rely almost exclusively on either a) an applicant's reputation / 
> word-of-mouth for getting things done, or b) their ability to complete a 
> time-consuming tech-challenge, where they must demonstrate ability to ship a 
> mini-product.  both methods are not scalable to meet the demand in industry 
> for qualified js-devs in product-development.
> the only solution i can think of to this industry-problem is to hold-back on 
> introducing new disruptive/unproven javascript design-patterns, and figuring 
> out how to educate the industry with tightened javascript style-guides and 
> existing design-patterns proven to work (more is less); generally, ways to 
> enhance the current, woefully inadequate “bullsh*t detector” of employers so 
> they can better identify and mentor/train/weed-out unqualified js-devs.
> kai zhu
> <>
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