Very generic, and easily expandable - I like it! This proposal provides
enough optional information for error dialogs.

Clarification question: Wouldn't the context and backTrace properties be
instance properties, not prototype properties? The Error prototype
object would contain these two properties set to null, and thrown Error
instances would possibly contain instance-specific data that shadows the
prototype properties if present?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lars Hansen
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 12:12 PM
To: es4-discuss Discuss
Subject: RE: ES4 draft: Error classes

(Didn't know who to follow up to so lamely following up to myself.)

Straw proposal for debugging information and backtraces in error

Problems to solve

* Debugging info (file name, line number, backtrace) are
  useful in Error instances thrown by the program

* If not captured automatically, there needs to be a
  really simple way for the programmer to state that
  debugging information should be captured (or to
  capture the information)

Issues to watch out for:

* Security / privacy problems if debugging information can
  leak to arbitrary code (realistic attack scenario).

* Code that gets to look into the caller's lexical environment
  is hard to control, makes possibly unwarranted assumptions
  about the implementation, may preclude tail calls.  So
  "magic" functionality comes at a cost.


* New property Error.prototype.context, value null

* New property Error.prototype.backTrace, value null

* When the run-time system throws a standard error object under
  well-defined circumstances (eg, when it throws a TypeError
  because a value of an incompatible type is stored in a
  type-annotated property) then it may, at its discretion,
  create properties "context" and "backTrace" on the new error
  object.  The values in these properties will reveal
  information about the static and dynamic location of the error.

  The property "context" is either null, or it is a dynamic
  object with three properties "scheme", "data", and "line".
  "scheme" and "data" are strings.  "line" is a nonnegative

  The "scheme" denotes the type of the source ("file", "eval",
  "new Function", "javascript:", "data:"; a full list will
  need to be created and will partly be embedding dependent)
  and the "data" are interpreted relative to the "scheme"
  (eg, for "file", "data" would be a file name).  "scheme" 
  may be the empty string, in which case "data" should be
  ignored; "data" may be the empty string even if "scheme"
  is not.  The "line", if not 0, denotes a line number
  (following line terminator normalization) inside the source
  denoted by "scheme" and "data".

  The property "backTrace", if not null, must be an array of
  objects of the same type as stored in "context", representing
  a stack trace taken at the point of the creation of the error
  object.  The object at property 0 in "backTrace" represents
  the innermost stack frame and is the same object that is stored
  in the "context" property.


  Implementations are not required to support this functionality
  at all except in providing the two properties of the Error
  prototype object.

  Implementations are encouraged to support the context and
  backTrace properties only in a debugging mode that must
  be explicitly enabled, and to reveal the minimum amount
  of information through this interface.  

  Implementations are encouraged to make the innermost frame
  and the backTrace "relevant", ie, to filter system frames
  that the program can't expect to process.

* New subclass of Error called AssertionError

* New expression forms assert(E), assert(E1,E2)

  assert is a new keyword (an operator name).  In these
  expressions, the parentheses are not optional.

  assert(E) evaluates E and converts the result to boolean.  
  If the converted value is true, the result of the expression
  is the value of E.  Otherwise, a new AssertionError instance
  is thrown.

  assert(E1,E2) evaluates E1 and converts the result to boolean.
  If the converted value is true, the result of the expression
  is the value of E1.  Otherwise, E2 is evaluated to yield a
  new object instance, which is thrown.

  When an assertion expression results in a thrown exception
  value V the run-time system should initialize the "context"
  and "backTrace" fields of V, provided the type of V is a
  subclass of Error.

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