On Jul 10, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: I see, yes there is a potential eval tax. If I thought this was really a concern (and as you say, we already have the issue for catch and such) I'd be more inclined to fiddling with the scoping rule of eval rather than discarding lexically scoped consts. BTW, I think many of the use cases for such const are more in support of code generators then actual end user programming.

Could you explain the "eval tax" issue you guys are concerned about? I don't get it. Thanks.

Because eval exposes lexical bindings by name in a way that is not statically detectable, it defeats implementation techniques like renaming or symbol versioning for block scope, and forces the use of actual environment objects for blocks if they contain a call to eval. For example:

function g(x)
    if (x) {
        const C = 0;
        return eval(s1);
    } else {
        const C = 1;
        return eval(s2);

Assuming s1 and s2 reference C, you at minimum need a separate runtime symbol table for each block to allow the eval lookup to succeed. When combined with closures and mutable block-scoped variables this can force the creation of a full activation object per block that introduces bindings.

And to avoid creating an activation object for every block (a huge performance cost), an implementation would have to detect which blocks introduce bindings, which contain calls to eval, and which contain closures. Reasonable implementations do this anyway but I think it is an unfortunate cost, even in ES4. In ES4, however, the benefit is arguably greater.


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