Mike Shaver wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:48 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> FWIW, this sort of thing is a reason that I'm pretty concerned about
>> ES3.1 getting into an advanced specification state without the benefit
>> of any in-browser implementation.
>> You need to have an advance specification state before you can meaningfully 
>> test it in an implementation.
> Sure, there's an interdependency, but it seems like you wouldn't want
> to propose something for inclusion into a short-turn spec like ES3.1
> unless you'd seen it run _somewhere_ relevant, no?  Is there a
> document somewhere that tracks which ES3.1 features have been
> implemented in what prototype engine?

The key criterion here is whether you can come up with a language that makes 
sense.  None of the existing behaviors make sense because they would make 
'function' hoist differently from 'const' hoist differently from declaring 
other kinds of things in ES4, etc., with the only way of fixing it being 
introducing yet more ways of declaring things.  The net result would be 
gratuitously hostile to everyone in the long term.

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