<Is it possible to display the IP identification number in the main
<display? This will be very helpful when examining UDP video streams for
<missing packets (these packet captures can be 120,000+ packets). Better
<yet, is there any way ethereal can raise some sort of flag when UDP
<packets arrive out of order or are missing? 

Isn't it better to look on the RTP sequence numbers?

Actually if the RTP packets are displayed as RTP packets and not UDP packets then you
will get the RTP sequence numbers in the main display (Info column).

But there is a much better way to look for out of sequence pcakets than scanning 
through the
list of sequence numbers manually.
Ethereal 0.9.11 has a functionality to analyse RTP streams. It's called "RTP Analysis".
It will not just show what packets are in wrong order, what packets are missing, but 
also calculate
jitter and delay.

First you have to get the RTP packets displayed as RTP packets if they aren't already 
using the "Tools/Decode As..." menu item, see information in the FAQ.

Then you mark one of those RTP packets and select "Tools/statistics/RTP Analysis" and
you will get the RTP statistics.

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