**  Second posting of question.  Dr. Meshkat, I
**  posted yesterday but haven't heard back yet.

Could the issue be that I have no slave connected?  Also note that I am
running as root.  Is that correct?

Regarding the error I receive when executing the sample program:

#include <ecrt.h>
int main (void)
        ec_master_t * master = ecrt_request_master (0);
        if (! master )
                return 1; // error

        pause (); // wait for signal
        return 0;

"Failed to reserve master: No such device" is the output I receive.  I just
executed the command 'ethercat master' and here is the result:

dhcppc0:~ # ethercat master
  Phase: Waiting for device...
  Active: no
  Slaves: 0
  Ethernet devices:
    Main: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (waiting...)
      Link: DOWN
      Tx frames:   0
      Rx frames:   0
      Lost frames: 0
      Tx bytes:    0
      Tx errors:   0
      Tx frame rate [1/s]:      0      0      0
      Tx rate [KByte/s]:      0.0    0.0    0.0
      Loss rate [1/s]:          0      0      0
      Frame loss [%]:         0.0    0.0    0.0

    Backup: None.
  Distributed clocks:
    Reference clock: None
    Application time: 0
                      2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000000



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