Hallo Jean-Pierre,

Am 16.03.22 um 08:37 schrieb Miceli Jean-Pierre:

Some notes:

   *   The system is working perfectly on TwinCAT

TwinCAT relies on the XML-Files and the IgH Ethercat master relies on the SSI content. If the content is wrong or data is missing it will not work.

   *   As I got no PDOs from the ethercat tool, I coded one from the info I got 
in TwinCAT

I found the info that the issue can be related to a wrong SII / EEPROM info and 
tried to follow the info in the link below. Unfortunately  did not help.

   *   https://etherlab.org/en/ethercat/faq.php

So my questions are:

   *   Is the problem really due to the missing/corrupted data in the SII/EEPROM

Probably. Does "ethercat sii_read -p1 | od" work and if so could you post the output of this command (assuming it is slave 1 you are interested in)?

   *   If yes, how can I check that the binary file generated with TwinCAT is 
correct ?

It most likely will be correct.

   *   Is there other way to update the SII

Some slaves simulate the SII content and can't be updated.

Any idea, suggestion, proposition are welcome 😊.

Most likely you will need to contact the supplier and ask for the correction of the SII content. Suppliers sometimes tend to refuse to cooperate and will say: "it works with TwinCat".

In that case the last step is to ask if the slave is checked against the conformance test tool from ETG.

Regards Wilhelm
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