On Sat, 14 Oct 100, Neil Parker wrote:

> >or whatever that thing it does is where my processor suddenly redlines and
> >stays that way, all the Netscape windows show large color blocks and
> >nothing works on my desktop at all except for terminal emulators --
> Hmm.  Doesn't sound like any symptoms I've ever gotten from Netscape...on my
> system Netscape's usual crash mode is freeze up and stop repainting its
> I've discovered that the number one way to prevent Netscape from crashing
> like this is to turn off Java.  Netscape's Java implementation has serious
> problems with stopping and restarting applets.
Thanks for the tip. I noticed Java implementation in Explorer is excellent
and so I use Explorer exclusively on the public terminals in the UO
libraries (they have both Exp and Nav loaded).

> I found a little doohickey called "nspipepatch.c" that seems to make the
> problem less frequent, but it doesn't eliminate it.  But as long as I keep
> Java turned off, Netscape is pretty stable for me.
Thanks again,

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