Edward: Installfest w/ anarchic interaction (IAI) would be fun--I could
arrange a computer. Dual boot w/ Windoze is probably of interest for these

Lecture dog & pony on cool Linux GUI tricks is great if presenters bring
cooly equiped computers.

Ideal time is Tues/Thurs 10:00 - 12:00. On the net. About 2 wks - 1 mo
from now, depending on the schedule of those presenting.

Cory--your idea lineup is great. Students will have had good Windows
exposure, some Unix visibility (telnet/ftp for Webbage). Student
sophistication is entry level but already had "literacy" classes, CIS

I can arrange maybe a larger dept. audience if we can do this more than
once (10:00 - 12:00 for my class, 12:00 - 2:00 for department?).



[Cory's idea lineup:

remote-X applications
play screensavers in the background
try to get linux to crash
assemble a list of things windows can't do, and do them on xwindows/linux
show the linux_logo program (ansi pengiun installed by default on

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