Try using the virtual consoles--type CTRL-ALT-F1 through CTRL-ALT-F6 to
get a shell.  Login on one of them, or several of them.  Start top to
see what's using your resources.  Not surprisingly, top is usually one
of the major culprits, but that's a different story.  The resource hogs
are at the top of the chart.  If you find something that you want to
kill, "k" in top will start a dialog to kill a process.

Christopher Allen wrote:
> Thanks for all of your tips, Seth, Bob and Cory. I was away from my
> computer for a couple of hours (I know, I'm lame, I'll try not to let it
> happen again) and just got back, so I haven't tried any of your
> suggestions.
> It's not a memory problem, or at least a lack of memory problem anyway. I
> have 256MB, am usually using about 100, and know this because I have an
> epplet on my desktop which tells me.
> When one of you suggested not using an x-terminal to troubleshoot, do you
> mean like Eterm? Eterm works fine while the slow-motion CPU-hypergasmic
> thing is going on -- if your concern was that I wouldn't be able to use
> it.
> -Chris

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