Does this happen when you don't use netscape?

I've had similar problems with netscape.  I upgraded to the latest 4.75, and
haven't had the problem as often.  It seems netscape trips up something in
some library.  It's been too long for me to remember which one.  By going to
a terminal I'd run top, see the library, then kill it.  Then kill netscape.
Then reload netscape.  After this, things were fine.
The 'k' command in top will kill a process.

I found it was particular to certain sites (that implemented java).  I
recommend not going to with netscape on linux.
However, if you want to check out their laptops...  


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 2:59 PM
Subject: My lame uptime

Hi Eug-luggies,

I have been having major up-time problems with my computer since day-one a
couple of weeks ago. I don't think it is netscape: After I have been using
my computer for a couple of hourse - sometimes as little as half-an-hour
-- The processor will suddenly redlines and everything that requires more
than a minimal amount of CPU power goes very slowly (or goes so
slow it appears to hang, in the case of CPU-hungry netscape). Terminal
emulators work fine.

Restarting X sometimes works but usually I have to reboot. Hardware
problem? Perhaps someone standing on carpet with rubber shoes on (not
me! I know better), touching the underside of my motherboard with his
bare hands before I installed it? Oh, well, *there's* x-hundred dollars of
parts down the drain. Time to get the old sledgehammer out and call a
smash party....

Bye for now. I need to reboot my computer -- for the fourth time today.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

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