The NRA:

You may not believe it,...but I joined the NRA for a term. I thought that there might be a silent middle ground of responsible gun owners...

...and there is. A lot of them are in the NRA. But NONE of them are in the Leadership of the NRA who are paid for lock, stock and barrel by the Gun Manufacturing Lobby. All the fear and propaganda coming from the NRA is intended to protect the interests of Manufacturers not Owners. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get a reasoned article about gun safely and locks and Laws enforcing that approach in their Magazine.

Gun Locks:

I believe requiring locks on handguns is entirely reasonable. My Taurus 9mm 90s has a wonderful key lock in the grip. One twist and the gun is dead metal. I wear the key on a chain around my neck. And I lock up my ammunition in a separate place than mu gun safe. This kind of lock is 100% better than the trigger locks which can be hammered off or the fingerprint ID locks which are science fiction now and a nightmare of invasive technology if they ever get made. The idea is to prevent gun misuse by children and house robberies. This works. Gangs and Professional Criminals get their arms from other sources.

Red Necks:

The whole Southern Fried Good Old Boy Machine Gun Toating gum chewing Liberal Lynching Cartoon of the Gun Owner is true in a lot of cases, simply because most people of all political stripes are followers and not thinkers.

The 2nd Amendment:

And as far as the 2nd Amendment, people get confused because it had a 2 meanings for the Founding Fathers. The surface or explicit meaning was the rights of people to form armed groups for the common defence. The Gun Control Lobby points out accurately this isn't a right to bear arms for individuals. But there is a under the surface level or implicit meaning the Founding Fathers saw there because of their fear of a Tyranny. In other words, they INTENDED the 2nd Amendment to protect the right of individuals to keep and bear arms because they had their own experience in the back of their minds. NO New Government is going to come right out and say "Arm yourselves against what we might become" though. Right? In other words, the 2nd Amendment had a 2nd Meaning well understood by the Founders.

"Bowling for Columbine" is heartbreaking because if shows how a Nation can become emotionally ill and so irrational sober dialog is almost impossible.

Both the Left and the Right enjoy their contempt of each other too much to ever talk honestly. And there is no Mr. In-Between...allowed.


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