1)  It sounds like Justice is *not* being served -- the proceedings
ought to be available in an Open Standard!

2) Didn't your Vaio come with an OEM Windows license?  IANAL, but I
think you'd have the right to possess that IP, if so.  I'm guessing you
don't want and Microsoft IP around...

3) There are options -- you might find a machine on which you can listen
to the Real stream at the public library, EFN, U of O, or.... I could
help you out.  I listened to the thing yesterday, and tried
[unsuccessfully] to record it with both grecord and 'record' (don't know
which package that came from, but it was written by Gerd Knorr
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  It appears that realplayer locks up the audio
device pretty good, and I don't yet know how to force things through an
extra layer (virtual dev layer) that I think will let it be recorded...
anyone?  I could use a less sophisticated method, alternatively, but was
hoping to offer the LUG an Ogg Vorbis version of the stream.  Email me
off-list if you want my help to listen to it (I could host a small
hearing maybe) or with your suggestions for the liberation of this
format.  Alas, I was not even able to play the stream [yet] with
MPlayer, I don't know how to properly specify the URI.  Help on that
would be appreciated too... 



PS - Finally saw  Rabbit Proof Fence last eve -- highly recommended, and
this is the last week of showing, so go see it if you like!

On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 10:36, Bob Miller wrote:
> Ben Barrett wrote:
> > MPlayer will do anything WMP will do, IIRC... in the latest version, 
> > using the win32 DLL's, anyway.
> What win32 DLLs?  None of the machines at my company* are licensed for
> win32 DLLs because the whole company runs on Linux and BSD.  How am I
> going to listen to RealAudio streams without either giving Microsoft
> $100/seat or breaking the law?
> * Yes, it's a small company. (-:  That's beside the point.

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