Mr O wrote:

> Well if I were running dual anything I'd probably be using the
> Eheim 1250 instead of the 1048. The increased water flow will
> probably drop your temps a bit more but being Athlons, who knows
> how much more stable it'd become. I'd like to find out the
> thermal capabilities of the MaxxPert radiator you're using as
> well. I just got my radiator from DangerDen and it's their
> highest rated single fan one. Perhaps a small radiator that uses
> an 80mm fan mounted to the back of the case to be used between
> CPU's wouldn't be a bad idea (ie. Pump, cpu1, small radiator,
> cpu2, large radiator, pump) Then you may be able to use a
> quieter 120mm fan as well. If you decide on giving up on it
> altogether I'd be interested in the pump depending how you
> decide to sell it. (Parts or kit) Lastly, you're using velcro on
> your pump? I'd affix a piece of neoprene to the bottom to reduce
> vibration.

1. I don't see water flow as the issue.  All the water tubes, even the
   one leaving the pump, are fairly warm, and feel, to my uncalibrated
   fingers, to be pretty much the same temp.  I could be wrong...

   It's a dilemma: the faster your flow, the more heat you remove
   from the CPU block.  But the slower your flow, the more heat
   you transfer to the radiator.

2. My CPUs are plumbed in parallel.  Instead of your sequence,
   I have:

       pump -> tee -> cpu 0 -> tee -> radiator -> reservoir -> pump
                |               ^
                `->   cpu 1    -'

   That way, the CPUs both get equally cool water.

3. My pump is now on neoprene bushings similar to the ones that hold
   the fan onto the Sonata case.  That cut down the vibration a lot.
   I have to replace the bushings with bolts when it rides in the

> Just a few cents of not quite yet experienced knowledge. After
> the weekend will be a different story :)

Very cool....

I have to wait until I get home before ripping apart any hardware. :-(

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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