that coincides with the date Rael Dornfest will be talking at Powell's Technical
and O'Reilly is offering it's buy 1 and get a free Hacks book.

has the details, have fun.

On Sunday, June 8, 2003, at 11:58 PM, Ben Barrett wrote:

Howdy folks -- I'm trying to get more active in a Portland-based
security group, which is having its meeting on the 11th this month
(usually the second tuesday tho)... I'm planning/hoping to drive up
there, but don't really want to have an empty car. Anyone else want to
go? We'll have to leave Eugene before 8am, should be back around 2pm or
so, barring a stop at Fry's on the way back = )

It sounds like an *very* entertaining presentation:

| Topic: "Defcon Capture the Flag: Defending Vulnerable Code from
| Intense Attack"
| Speaker: Crispin Cowen, WireX. Dr. Cowan leads Immunix Technologies
| research and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
| projects for WireX. He holds a formerly full-time and continuing
| part-time research professor position with the Oregon Graduate
| Institute, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr. Cowan
| has over fifteen years experience in UNIX/Linux OS platform and
| software technology. Dr. Cowan developed Immunix, a host
| security/survivability technology project for DARPA that includes
| prominent technologies like StackGuard. He holds a Ph.D. from the
| University of Western Ontario and a Masters of Mathematics from the
| University of Waterloo.
| Presentation Abstract: Defcon's Capture the Flag (CtF) game is the
| largest open computer security hacking game. Last year's CtF had
| rules that made it particularly difficult to be a successful defender.
| We entered an Immunix server, comprised of five years of
| DARPA-funded technologies, to see whether this system could survive sustained
| attack from determined experts. We describe our experience surviving
| Defcon CtF.

Reply to this thread with general questions, or by private email if
you'd like to go. Also, anyone else is interested in driving their
more-efficient-mobile I'd be happy to be a rider, if that could work
out. I have room for 3 or 4, though... BTW, I have a birthday on
Wednesday, and there's also an SAO brewpub event (this one is about the
SAO itself) Wednesday evening, and there's also an OCF community village
meeting (where we fairgoing nerds meet with the rest of the Fair world).

Ciao, and regards,

   Ben B
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