On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 03:01:12PM -0400, Grigsby, Garl wrote:
> So today I decided I wanted to try FreeBSD (time to tinker...). My first stop is to 
> try to get it from linuxiso.org, but they appear to be down :(. Then I remember that 
> TimH had it on the bendug ftp server. The only problem is the FreeBSD files are not 
> world readable.  ( TimH - You about? ) So now that my first two choices are 
> unavailable to me, does anybody know a fast FreeBSD mirror?
> Garl 

Garl, why don't you download the floppy images from freebsd.com and then
install over da net?

Then there's also freebsd's list of mirrors:
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