Ed, et al.

I contacted rick about a month ago, he had a family emergency, and couldnt
get back to me till last week. he gave me a list of companies to conatact,
and Ive been waiting to hear back from him if he has email addy's to go with
the list. I was going to try to contact them, but time is running short.
so... heres the list I got from him.

Free Software Foundation
Linux Journal
Linux Magazine

He did a really good job last year, and several years ago when we had our
first presence at the eugene computer expo... I was really hoping he could
do this again, but he (like me) is a bit pre-occupied. 

I elect Ed as current schwagmaster as Im not in eugene to pick up deliveries
and  Ed has done a great job maintaining our schwag over the years....
anyone want to help? speak up!

hey... I did get a reply back from him, rather than post the email addy's on
the archive, ive sent the list of email addys to ed, Please contact him if
you plan on helping :)

At 06:50 AM 6/26/03 -0700, you wrote:
>       I'm seeing nothing on the swag front. Nobody's written to any
>distros or publishers?
>       It would be very nice to take out Knoppix (or Debian or FreeBSD or
>whatever) CDs to the Oregon Country Fair. Given that I'll be headed
>out two weeks from today, I think it high time to get a few CD's burnt.
>Ed Craig                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Taxi (I need an income)                        GNU/Linux (I can afford a Free OS)
>Think this through with me, let me know your mind...   Hunter/Garcia
>EuG-LUG mailing list

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