Good point!  I've been collecting many of the useful Free windoze
software installers, and so will make my own updated CD -- however, not
being a windows expert, I don't know how smooth I can make the
collection... I think this is one aspect of "GNU Win II" that is much
more refined -- they made it like a finished product, whereas I will
more simply put a bunch of installers on a disc.  There are a couple of
my own favorites, that have to be unzipped and run from there (and a
shortcut made manually), which is troublesome.  Any suggestions?

I'll try to look into the framework of the GNU Win project, and see if I
can reuse their packaging methods with newer (and maybe a bit less)
software.  I'm not concerned about development tools for windows, anyone
geeky enough will gladly visit [EMAIL PROTECTED] and get the download...

I think things like knoppix, the BBC, and Gentoo's live-ppc are great
subjects to get people started.  There is also something awesome called
"MoviX" which is a project for a bootable multimedia-playing linux disc:
Awesome, eh?  Maybe we can put some of the A/V propaganda on a bootable
CD to give away, that'd be cool, huh?  I could digitize the RevolutionOS
video, but I'd have to double-check the licensing -- I think it is
copyrighted but maybe promotes this sort of thing?
I've been collecting some neat things that might be of interest -- the
video tour of the kernel among them... although that is just eye-candy
for a newbie, we need stuff with real substance.  Propaganda!
I wonder if this distro plays multimedia more efficiently on older
hardware, since it is special-purpose??

Well, ciao and check y'all l8rz,

    Ben B

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:57:08 -0700
Tim Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| I saw it but it is not up to date.
| On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:52:46 -0700
| Ben Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Tim, see the link I made, both on the wiki page and also to this
| > thread!
| > 
| > -Ben B
| > 
| > PS - in case you lost it:
| > It has MANY programs, see
| >
| > 
| > 
| > On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:37:15 -0700
| > Tim Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > 
| > | I have made some changes...
| > | -- 
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