Yep!, That would be a good idea to exclude those if you were backing up /,
however I was talking about backing up a non running system mounted at
/mirrordisk. If you want to backup the root filesystem (that is, the root
filesystem that is currently in use...) You absolutely would want to exclude
the /proc, /backup, and mounted partitions that are not part of the system
you wish to backup. Most of my systems have other OS's (such as SuSE,
SlackWare, Mandrake, and even windows), so i would exclude those aswell.)
In practical application, I rarely backup my systems, I re-do them rather
often, and usually keep working systems, and re-do one system at time(this
way I have other systems on the disk to look to for config files and
such...) When I backup, I usually just backup /data, and /home/<user>, and
sometimes /etc (for config info...).

At 03:45 PM 7/10/03 -0700, you wrote:
>On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 09:24:57PM -0700, Linux Rocks! wrote:
>> Its called tar(tape archive) its your friend. lets say you mount the drive
>> you want to mirror at /mirrordisk to one big file named /backup/mirror.tar
>> cd to /mirrordisk then :
>> tar -cvf . /backup/mirror.tar
>> you can then compress the tar with
>> gzip /backup/mirror.tar
>> (which will turn /backup/mirror.tar to /backup/mirror.tar.gz (or .tgz if you
>> specify that...)
>> This ovcourse you will want to do as root...
>For backing up a whole system, one would use the -p option to preserve
>file ownership and permissions.  Also, one should exclude /proc and
>/backup or any other mounted directories otherwise one will have an
>image of all processes in memory as well as a copy of the tar file
>within the tar file.
>tar cfzp --exclude /proc --exclude /backup /backup/mirror.tgz /
>> to restore the files...
>> assuming that the disk you want to restore to is /restore, and your backup
>> is /backup/mirror.tar.gz
>> cd to /restore
>> tar -xvf /mirror/backup.tar.gz .
>If it is gzipped it needs to be ungzipped first.  Again, use
>cd / ; tar xfpz /backup/mirror.tgz 
>Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
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