On such a machine I would suggest avoiding java altogether if you can
help it -- it is quite a resource hog, relative to other solutions, like
php, python, or perl... I don't know quite how the low-end of resource
utilization stacks up; anyone?  Maybe you are already tied to java, in
which case I would try resin, jboss, and tomcat and see which works best
on some examples (or your real pages of course) -- if you have real data
then maybe you can artificially inflate the system (ie way more users
folders messages etc crap than usual) to benchmark the variety of server
software.  You might even find more difference by JVM version than by
webserver choice...  speaking of which, you mention apache, so am I to
assume that apache would handle the web requests and pass them on?  This
is not the default config AFAIK.  Hope this helped some and didn't
confuse!  ciao

  Ben B

PS - a court house, hmmm?  I used to be a systems administrator (and
installer) for a local company which served web solutions to courts,
using java on redhat! Maybe I can help?  (Contact me off-list)
Find out more about me at http://benb.org -the resume anyway, I
appologize to all that the other resources aren't up yet... 

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001 15:52:22 -0800
"Ase Lieden-Seeligson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| I am setting up this web server:
| Pentium 100
| RedHat 6.2
| Apache 1.3.17 
| We will use both static and dynamic pages and therefor I was going to
| install Tomcat. However, I keep coming across positive comments on
| Resin. Could anyone advise me on which way to go, Tomcat or Resin?
| Especially if you have experience with both. Why would I choose one
| over the other?? Is Tomcat still the main road?
| Åse 
| PS I am an intern who is setting this system up for the local Court
| house. They have staff who will be able to support it when I am done.
| Personally, I am very new at this, so please be clear and simple...
| Thanks!

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