On Sat, 2003-08-02 at 12:13, Mr O wrote:
> Anyone? Can I import my Evolution mail into Mozilla? The last
> two times I've done an "emerge world" Evolution got borked.
> Mozilla seems to be considerabley more reliable and I don't
> think I'd have near the hassle of trying to recover my mail back
> into the program if something went screwy.

in $HOME, try find ./ -iname *box

Then import those mbox

I'm running an up-to-date Gentoo box with evolution-1.4.3 just fine.
What errors did you see?

Jack Morgan                                     The Zynot Foundation
pub  1024D/620F545F 2002-06-18 Jack Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = B343 94EB 0658 E19B D91D  7EA5 15E1 FD24 620F 545F

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