
You are right about the Java and web (services, etc.)
focus. I know you're question is not security-based,
and I'm sorry for the second company mention of the
night, but FYI, @stake recently did a comparison
recently on the security features of J2EE and
Microsoft .NET. The J2EE platform was represented by
RHAS 2.1, Solaris 9, WebSphere 5, DB2, and Eclipse.
The MS side was represented by Windows Server 2003,
IIS/ASP.NET, and SQL Server.

I led the platform comparison component of the review
(i.e. comparison of base OS, www, and app server
security), and the results are kind of interesting.
For those with interest in these sorts of things, the
report is online at

As far as Eclipse goes, to me it seems focused on the
enterprise dev market (i.e. sw dev houses, large
internal teams). If you are looking for a
full-featured IDE and are a java guy, give it a look.
If you are a vi or emacs (yikes!) guy, it will
probably be overkill.

I'll shut up for now.


>Has anyone used eclipse or contributed to the
>project etc?  From 
>a fair amount of material on it I am left with the
>impression that it 
>dominated by java, and focuses on web apps. If
>anyone has anything to 
>help me understand it please holler.

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