On Sun, Oct 19, 2003 at 12:30:31PM -0700, john fleming wrote:
> Isn,t bens date in the same year that the mayans call the end of time?
> johnf
That would be the winter solctice December 21st, 2012.  Not the "end of
time" but I've heard "end of time as we know it."  Although a better
interpretation is the end of this cycle and the beginning of a new one.
The mayan calendar is interesting.  It is based upon many natural cycles
as opposed to the gregorian calendar which is irregular and hardly
matches up with even one cycle (namely the solar revolution).

While I don't expect the sky or the internet to fall, I do expect some
gradual changes to occur, perhaps even as powerful, world changing and
significant as say the discovery of electricity.


Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
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