On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Ben Barrett wrote:

> Uh, and lotsa folks stick with microsoft, faithfully, as well, since it
> "allows them to get something done".  Arguable as it might seem on this
> very-zealous mailing list, it is obvious that M$ has plenty of market
> share, and that they aren't "going away" anytime soon.
> I see this as proof that they are a successful *marketing* company.
> (but this doesn't change many minds toward desiring linux, either)

I guess my point was ineffectively made. What I meant is that all software
sucks to an extent, you've just got to pick the one that sucks least for
you. I think that by and large, Apple's mantra "It just works" easily
applies, whereas Microsoft's "ease of use" initiatives are often skewed,
by a clear majority's opinion. A majority of marketshare does not
represent long-term end-user satisfaction or level of product quality,
this is clear by almost everyone's view, in Microsoft's case.

That said, I'm actually a huge fan of the NT architecture and the Windows
Server platforms. I am a particular fan of C# and Active Directory.
They are excellent pieces of engineering. Now, the applications and
the user interface are another story...absolutely HATE those.

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