I installed today's released W2K (Workstation service), IE6 (cumul. update)
and MS Office critical security patches on a client machine today with no
unusual issues noted.

FYI, beginning this month, MS changed to announcing/releasing critical
update security patches only on the second Tuesday of each month. Reportedly
in order to avoid overworking IT folks trying to stay up to date with all
the random patch releases. However it is possible MS is only doing this to
keep their security issues out of the news, as much as is possible. I guess
the thinking is once a month is better than every other day. ;-)

Me think this once a month idea is actually a disservice. Some things never


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Barrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 12:24 AM
Subject: [eug-lug]'nuther reason

> to avoid the noid:
> brief from page:
> <snip>
> Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-048
> Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (824145)


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