On Wednesday 12 November 2003 17:20, jgw wrote:

> The patch for that vulnerability was issued nearly a month
> before Blaster. I believe Blaster first showed up around August
> 11th. The patch in question, MS03-026, came out in mid-July...
> the 16th?
> The worm was relatively successful not because Microsoft hadn't
> yet issued a patch, it was successful due to lazy sysadmins not
> patching their systems in a timely manner. 

"Lazy sysadmins"?  I beg to differ.

How about "overworked sysadmins"?  I was once in charge of a 'Doze 
network and there was no way I could keep current with the 
patches.  Before one patch project was complete, there were two 
more vulnerabilities that needed patching.  And patching M$ 
systems isn't exactly quick or easy with all of the testing that 
must be done first, not to mention trying to schedule the patch 
around various or department's schedules.  I could have worked 
full-time at that place doing nothing else -- but I was required 
to do everything else.

The problem isn't lazy sysadmins, unless not wanting to work 70 
hours per week is your definition of "lazy."

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