On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 10:09:54AM -0500, Linux Rocks! wrote:
> >From the Real world experience files, I did my work co-op in a govt office. 
> There were 170 workstations (at that time) running NT4, and we needed to 
> update to SP4, IE, mcafee, and a few smaller apps. The bulk of the time was 
> for IE, and NT4, and it took about 2 hours per workstation. The process was 
> about 10 pages long, and the admin worked on one workstation at a time, at 
> this rate, working by himself, he would have gotten it done just in time for 
> the next update. If this were a linux shop, I could have taken my time (like 
> all day If I wanted) to write a script to completely automate this process, 
> and have all the workstations updated overnite (note, this means no downtime 
> for the user too!). This way, I could have spent the rest of my time doing 
> better things.

With 170 linux workstations, it wouldn't even take a whole day to write
a script.  I'd build a local debian mirror, then push out an apt sources
file and a cron job to every workstation that says to automatically
upgrade off of the server.

apt-get update
apt-get -q -y -u upgrade


Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
Adaptable IT Consulting                                Technology to your   
(541) 914-8417                                                   business
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