> > The normal X remote protocol has
> > all of the authentication problems described above PLUS it happens in
> > clear text on the network, which means you can watch the network from
> > some other system with something like Der Mouse's "X Connection
> > Monitor" and passively sniff everything that's going on between the
> > two machines.
> I never heard of Der Mouse's X Connection Monitor.  Would it be a
> useful debugging tool if I were trying to debug the interaction
> between an X client and server?

To be honest, I haven't used Der Mouse's tool much myself.  It was
demonstrated to me as a way of "sniffing" say a remote xterm session.
So I doubt it would be much good for what you suggest, since it probably
assumes a well-formed sequence of X events that it can monitor.

Guess you'll have to keep using that hex output from tcpdump... :-)

Hal Pomeranz, Founder/CEO       Deer Run Associates       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Network Connectivity and Security, Systems Management, Training
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