On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 08:57:53AM -0800, Mr O wrote:
> Lastly, can I run two different windows managers on two
> different displays? Maybe Gnome on one and Flux on the other and
> switch between by using Ctrl+Alt+ (F6,F7) or whatever? I would
> like each display to work independently to prevent window
> spanning, make use of screensavers, and prevent full screen apps
> from borking when trying to load across two screens. 

Haven't done it, but you should be able to run two X servers with to
XF86Config files, one for each card and thus monitor.  Look at man
xinit and it should have an option for a :1 display and a XF86Config
file.  Then you'll need an xinitrc type file for each.  I'm on solaris
right now so can't do more than point in the general direction.


Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
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