Just to be definite; 
the meeting is at my place tonight 
and at Jamie's next week (if that's cool with Jamie)

Regarding Dinner, the oven works, the kitchen is not scary, and I can
certainly stump up a pasta salad if we're doing potluck.

I am short in the paper plates and plastic cups dept. but could remedy
that if no one else does.

so I'll expect people to start showing up around 6:30
I'm going to burn a couple of copies of the Gnome-2.1-livecd to demo 
and also be doing some ubuntu  on the laptop funkiness.

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 13:15:41 -0800, Linux Rocks !
> My place is available too, if here is better...
> Either way, I'd like to start the dinner decision process. Sante Fe was good
> last time. both places seem to have working ovens too... maybe I'll get the
> dishes done this week...
> Jamie
> On Wednesday 09 March 2005 10:36 pm, larry price wrote:
> : On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 21:50:25 -0800 (PST), Neil Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> : > Hmm.  I see that nobody has posted about this week's meeting.  In the
> : > absense of other information, should I assume that we're gathering at
> : > Larry's place again?
> :
> : That's OK with me.
> :
> : I hereby offer a a challenge for tomorrow nights get together.
> :
> : Best hardware demo presented gets a PRIZE
> : (unspecified, food item, not safe for diabetics)
> :
> : extra points for:
> : 1. still debugging it when you show up
> : 2.  DIY, breadboard, etc.
> : 3.  blinkenlights
> :
> : I'd also like to hear some feedback on the topic of
> : what's the best hardware hacking platform for general use.
> :
> : I've been looking at the Atmel AVR line and wondering what
> : alternatives there are.
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> : EUGLUG mailing list
> : euglug@euglug.org
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> --
> Let's call it an accidental feature.
>         -- Larry Wall

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