I had tried many Java IDEs before and kept going back to vi. Most of the IDEs were cumbersome - both to use and in memory/CPU consumption. I've been using eclipse for about a year and have to say I'm convinced that it is better than just using an editor (which is a big switch for me). It has great Ant and CVS integration. It does constant code verification looking for potential problems (unused variables, using deprecated methods, etc.) and gives easy to see (and easy to ignore if thats your situation) indicators of the status. It handles inter-project dependencies, manages your classpath, and does constant compiling (efficiently). And once I got a vi plugin I was back in business (the vi plugin is only 50% there, but it is better than having to use a mouse when editing). I still pull up VIM outside of eclipse when I need to do some editing that I know I can do quicker in a real vi tool. Then you refresh and your changes are in eclipse and away you go. For a team I'd say its a must have. Even in my situation, where I'm the primary (er... only) architect/developer, it is still hard to imagine not using it.


On Oct 12, 2005, at 11:00 AM, Max Lemieux wrote:

Pretty much all the Java devs where I work use Eclipse, for what it's worth. When I ask questions about some part of the codebase, their first response is "do you have Eclipse installed?" It is a significant boon to working on Java projects, especially larger ones, for the reasons Ralph mentions. It also has CVS integration, Tomcat controls etc. and is cross-platform.


Rob Hudson wrote:

Ralph Zeller wrote:

On 10/12/05 12am, larry price wrote:
By the way, what's a good IDE to use with Java?  My son is taking a
beginning Java class, and he's using "eclipse" as a development
interface.  It seems pretty cumbersome, and so does "netbeans," but
maybe that's just my perspective as a complete novice to Java also--is
there something else that works better for a newbee learning Java?

I've used eclipse for some of my classes at th UofO. Personally, I kind of like it. I usually prefer just a good text editor (and missed my vi commands in the built-in editor) but the IDE added a lot. It may be overkill but it is helpful. It has a constant compile thing in the background that notifies you of errors as you go (you used such and such object but didn't import it, you didn't catch the appropriate error, etc). It has the intellisense stuff which I found useful. And building the project seemed to work easily enough.

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