Have you considered an XBox?  Only the "360 Premium", which I don't know of
an open media-center front-end for, has HDMI, though...

Home Theater HowTo:
MythTV-centric distro's:

Also, HDMI is just DVI + audio, although I'm just figuring this out, so you
may be able to get DVI from anything into HDMI.

D-Link makes a media player that gets mixed reviews:
although this thread seems to point out the lack of open-source cooperation
on this device:
(and may also steer you to check out SageTV or Prismiq boxes, see
http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.prismiq.com and check ebay...
http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?&satitle=prismiq&category0=  :)

These days, I'm betting that you want something to play xvid and divx and
even wmv... is this an installation where a linux diy'er is available,
so that nifty new software could be updated on a mini-itx system?  Or do you
need an embedded device, 100% dummy-proof?
MythTV seems to bridge the gap nicely: put on an IR remote and, voila --
many nice plugins too!

Here is one mini-itx board I found, a Jetway Intel Core2Duo board for $205,
which has HDMI:
I found some other references to HDMI output on mini-itx systems, and you
could also consider a [riser &] external card depending on the
footprint/case you desire.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Rob Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Eugene Unix and Gnu/Linux User Group" <euglug@euglug.org>
> Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:27:39 -0800
> Subject:
> OK, so imagine that I've got music and video files sitting on a NAS
> accessible via wireless, maybe using SMB, not sure yet.
> Is there a piece of hardware to be had for cheap to pull those files
> over the wireless and play them on my entertainment system?  Piping
> music to my stereo, movies to my stereo and TV.  Preferables: HDMI
> and/or digital audio output.
> I know there is one solution:  A Mac mini.  I'm just checking if there
> may be something cheaper and more open.
> I looked at Neuros but it's more of a recorder with TV inputs and
> doesn't have HDMI output.
> AppleTV is cheaper but doesn't have built-in SMB mounting -- you
> either need another computer as the server or hack it up.
> Anything else out there?
> Thanks,
> Rob
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