On 11/25/07, Ben Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have you considered an XBox?  Only the "360 Premium", which I don't know of
> an open media-center front-end for, has HDMI, though...

I hadn't.  Isn't that running up towards the $500-600 range though?

> Also, HDMI is just DVI + audio, although I'm just figuring this out, so you
> may be able to get DVI from anything into HDMI.

Didn't know that.  What I like about sticking with HDMI is that if one
day I get a receiver that can do HDMI switching I can just plug my
various HDMI devices into my receiver.

And a Mac Mini doesn't have HDMI, but you can get a DVI to HDMI
adapter.  Nothing's quite perfect.  :)

> These days, I'm betting that you want something to play xvid and divx and
> even wmv... is this an installation where a linux diy'er is available,
> so that nifty new software could be updated on a mini-itx system?  Or do you
> need an embedded device, 100% dummy-proof?

I'm trying to avoid the DIY route b/c I just don't have much time to
toy with it.

Mostly curious if the collective intelligence of this list had other
ideas off hand -- things they've been keeping their eye on.

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