I'm looking into two issues at the same time, 1) for a chat friend's
encryption issues (their wireless access is not turned on, they don't know
much about computing, and they own a WRT54G) and 2)  for my router upgrade
to a WRT54GL with DD-WRT.

1) I just need to know if the access to this router is through a command
line interface.  Many of the newer routers, such as my D-Link DI-524, use a
browser based interface.  I imagine this browser based interface is sort of
like the Win Modem, not too popular with the command line crowd.  It's easy
to setup for the novice, but not very clean/clear/versatile for the expert.

2) I hope to have a WRT54GL in my hot little hands come mid-month.  I was
surprised to see over 1,000 user comments on this router at New Egg, where
there are normally less then 100 for a product.  Bottom line "should 'a got
a Linksys."

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