I would enjoy volunteering on-site for a day or part of a day, to
demonstrate the removal and destruction of hard drives as the systems
are being donated.  It wouldn't make a mess, I promise (unless I can
have a destructive zone for various methods), and folks seem to love
those strong little magnets from the head (until they blank credit
cards or similar!).
Thanks again and again for all your wonderful work, Lorraine, and pass
it on to your peeps.  Let us know how EUGLUG can help...


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Lorraine Kerwood
> Hey hey Ben et al,
> Springfield Marcola Family Resource Center drops barrels in the dorms for
> donated items. Some times the students drop their electronic gear there-but,
> mostly not. There is the whole identity theft issue and the issue of hauling
> the unit down the stairs. We offer education education education on all of
> this but, in the end, even if we went door to door, there are so many
> details for a student to pay attention to at the end of the term-"what to do
> with my electronics" is not high on their list of what to pay attention to.
> We are still working on it though!
> Lorraine
>> From: Ben Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To: Eugene Unix and Gnu/Linux User Group <euglug@euglug.org>
>> Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 13:20:05 -0700
>> To: Eugene Unix and Gnu/Linux User Group <euglug@euglug.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Eug-lug] U of O idea
>> Lorraine, I was really impressed with the earth week
>> cellphone-recycling program NextStep put together -- I saw
>> notices/flyers/reminders about it in a number of places, which I think
>> is crucial.  Getting the people to GIVE the stuff to the program is
>> great, but with students (speaking from my own experience, less than
>> an eon ago) it is all partying at the end of the term, and the
>> students who are trashing so many goodies are the hardest to reach out
>> to.  I think it would be stellar if some third party, be it UO or
>> state financial aid or a restaurant/bar, would offer promotions to
>> those who donate recyclable hardware.  That's what community is for,
>> right?
>> In terms of getting a truck on campus, I think CASL and other student
>> groups could rally up a bunch of carts and muscle them around... I
>> know, I have *no* idea of the actual scale involved :)
>> CASL was putting on a cool glass bottle cutting demo in front of the
>> EMU the other day, fwiw.
>> ~ben
>> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Lorraine Kerwood
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> We have been trying for years to get into the U of O for student's hardware.
>>> I hope this year to have some Daily Emerald coverage. Getting permission to
>>> be on campus with a truck is a tricky thing. But, we continue to work on it.
>>> Technically, once a student abandons her/his hardware, it becomes property
>>> of the university, so, we can't have access to it; even the items in the
>>> dumpsters. But, we continue to work on it.
>>> Lorraine
>>> NextStep
>>>> From: marbux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Reply-To: Eugene Unix and Gnu/Linux User Group <euglug@euglug.org>
>>>> Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 09:29:37 -0700
>>>> To: Eugene Unix and Gnu/Linux User Group <euglug@euglug.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Eug-lug] U of O idea
>>>> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 8:35 AM, BB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I made a joke earlier, but on a more serious note the problem is 
>>>>> Logistics.
>>>>> If you want those computers your going to have to outreach.   Fliers 
>>>>> posted
>>>>> letting people know that they can drop off near the college, or have their
>>>>> computer picked up, on, or around that weekend when the students leave 
>>>>> town
>>>>> is the answer.
>>>> Timely news coverage in The Emerald would be a help.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Marbux
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