In a message dated 4/2/2001 12:35:10 PM Alaskan Daylight Time, 

> The best defense europan life will have against humanity is to not
>  have any economic value; at least not until humanity reaches a level of
>  maturity that pursues knowledge and art over material wealth.  I'm
>  not holding my breath for this to happen.

In 50,000 years, humans have not developed that maturity.  We have gone from 
small packs of hunter-gatherers to large packs of developer-exploiters.  The 
basic hardwiring of human brains -- eat to satisfaction and beyond, because 
tomorrow may bring starvation -- remains the same as it was when that 
hardwiring was set.

I ask you:  where are the Moas?  Where the Dodo?  Where the Passenger Pigeon? 
 Where is Neandertal?  Where the Mastodon?  Where is the Cape Lion?  Where, 
where, where?  Where, then, is this maturity to be found?

-- JHB
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