Very interesting seed crystal, JHB.  "Space Exploration Is Us"  $10^9 / $50
is only 20,000,000 people.  A couple handfuls of $10^7 advertizing contracts
(website, rocket sides, imprinted solar panels, etc), and you're much
closer.  Soneone say, "Lets do it!"

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday 30 November 2001 10:00 
Subject: Re: Is it all for nothing?

In a message dated 11/28/2001 11:45:11 AM Alaskan Standard Time,

OK, I've thought about our current "situation" (recall we may lose 
all near-future outer solar system projects), consulted with a few 
wise colleagues, and I think the best course of action is to support 
everything proposed.  Yep, Pluto probes, Europa orbiters, and even 
the ISS.  We're idiots to think the money saved by killing off our 
perceived lemons will somehow result in more money better spent on 
our favorites.  The government will just use the savings elsewhere, 
like on a new highway, or more bombs for you-know-where. 

So, I support it all.  And, I urge you to do the same, and soon. 
Write to your Congressional reps. and tell them that all these 
projects are the best ever, and you don't want to see any of them 
cancelled.  Anything space-related is good (of course, some are more 
gooder than others, wink, wink).

Quit being a damned beggar.  You can't be the only person interested in
space technology:  I'd warrant there are millions out there.  Now, with the
internet, you can reach them.  Start a non-profit.  Collect a $10 donation
from every space geek out there.  When you have a nice pile of money, find
some off-the-shelf technology and send up your own rocket.  Hell, if Robert
Clements can figure out how to do it, so can you.   
Understand:  the government sent a man to the moon over THIRTY years ago.
They've done nothing significant since, other than a few unmanned space
probes.  (Yes, yes, probes are more efficient, etc... but for mass support
you gotta send up heroes).  If you rely on the government to support space
welfare, you'll still be going nowhere in 20 years time. 
We have the launch tech.  We have the mass communication media necessary for
funding.  We have a global pool of technicians who could conceivably
contribute.  The question is, do we have the guts to go forward WITHOUT a
government handout? 

-- JHB 

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