I think the reason they went bankrupt is that they didn't lie and lost too many contracts to competing companies that did. I am pretty sure this is how they lost the Chevy Volt contract. They told the truth and the other company lied.

About six months ago, I was having dinner with the CEO. I explained to how battery companies lied on their spec sheets. He was genuinely surprised, and looked to his associate to confirm. The associate was nodding in agreement.

When I first tested their cells for maximum power transfer, I came up with 135 amps. Their spec sheet said 120 amps. I called them up and asked if they had hand picked cells for me to test. They said "No. We just gave you our ordinary cells". When I told them I had tested them for max power transfer, and beat their spec sheet by ten percent, they were not surprised at all. They said, "We know." I was floored. I then asked them why. They said, "We just want to be sure that every cell meets spec." I then asked them if they were really a battery company, because all battery companies lie.

The spec sheet still says 120 amps. They still test out to 135 amps.

They have always known that these cells would hit at least 10,000 cycles to 50% capacity when cycling 100% at 1C. The engineers told me this years ago. They have been slowly revealing more and more of the cycle life curve as time goes by.

I have been running these cells for many years. They _always_ exceed specs. _Always_.

Bill D.

At 07:23 PM 1/8/2013, you wrote:
>> - They assumed the Li battery would last 2-3 times longer.
>> This one has yet to be proven by actual field test data.

Bill Dube wrote:
You aren't paying attention.

Sure I am. I said "field test data", and this is A123's own lab test data. I've been lied to so often by battery companies that I simply don't trust their data without independent confirmation.

First they ignore you; then they mock you; then they fight you; then you win. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Lee A. Hart, http://www.sunrise-ev.com/LeesEVs.htm
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