I would recommend getting this instead of NOALOX:

I used NOALOX and while it works it gets gooey after a while and attracts
dirt. Either way, like Bill said, use only a thin coating. I haven't had
any issue with my terminals and it has been over 3 years on my pack.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Ben Jarrett <ev...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hey All,
> I've been battling low voltage on my cells and was convinced I had a bad
> cell.  I ordered 4 cells
> as spares (since the blue CALB 130 Ah cells are being discontinued).
> Well, I replaced once cell and in doing so, decided to clean the copper
> jumpers at the same time
> (there was a slight bit of blackness on one of the copper jumpers.)
> After driving, I found another cell that was dipping to around 2.6V.  I
> decided to clean the
> copper jumpers using my bench grinders wire wheel.  I re-installed and my
> drop improved to 2.8V
> under ~300 amp loads.
> So now I'm thinking I need to clean all 50 of my jumpers and I'd like to
> put something on the joints.
> I've found some old threads on the matter.  It seems like a good idea to
> put some kind of joint compound
> in there since one of the CALB battery terminals is aluminum and will want
> to oxidize.  I'm thinking
> of using this stuff:
> http://www.amazon.com/Noalox
> ®-Anti-oxidant-Compound-Oz-Bottle/dp/B0019KHHRE
> any thoughts?
> thanks!
> -ben
> www.evalbum.com/4001
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David D. Nelson

Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8
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