
Thanks - when I did a second charge there was not much time between.

But I still need an answer to my original question.  How to hook up this
charger for 220v (but so I can still use it with 110v when that's all I
have).    Adapters?  Special cords?

- Peter

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Cor van de Water <> wrote:

> Jay,
> *do* write this up to your batteries getting old.
> It has been documented many times here on the EVDL.
> With age, the "full" voltage drops, so the charger never
> reaches its threshold and starts *over* (not *under*) charging
> your batteries. Luckily lead-acid is robust and can handle it
> within reason. Due to your relatively short time-out the
> damage done to your batteries is limited.
> You may notice that your pack is warming up (further reducing the voltage)
> due to the charger pumping power into full batteries.
> If you let them cool for several hours and restart your charger, you will
> see that the indicator will go higher due to the colder batteries.
> Possibly it will even hit the threshold voltage to stop charging...
> But as long as the batteries are old, the charger relatively wimpy
> and the temp high, you will face this situation where you go from
> battery charging into thermal runaway or at least a toast-em till timeout.
> Hope this clarifies,
> Cor van de Water
> Chief Scientist
> Proxim Wireless Corporation
> Email:    Private:
> Skype: cor_van_de_water     XoIP: +31877841130
> Tel: +1 408 383 7626        Tel: +91 (040)23117400 x203
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of Jay Summet
> Sent: Wed 7/10/2013 8:57 AM
> To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] 2nd charge cycle
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/10/2013 11:30 AM, wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > My Quick Charge Select-A-Charge charger is getting old as are my lead
> acid
> > batteries in my S-10  I've been using them
> for
> > about 2 years and have about 450 cycles on them.
> >
> > For the past several weeds the charger never seems to get up to the
> target
> > voltage.  The display seems to get stuck at about 55-60% (varies a little
> > from one day to the next) and then it just times out after about 11
> hours.
> > Using my DVM it looks like it's hitting about 135V or so which is quite
> low
> > for my 120V pack.  Clearly I'm undercharging my batteries.  I sort of
> knew
> > this would happen as I bought the charger used and it's only rated for
> > batteries up to 150 AH and mine are 170 AH Trojan  T-875s.  It also only
> > puts out 10 amps at 110V so I may have been undercharging since day 1.
> >
> I don't have an answer about your plug, but have you tried starting a
> 2nd charge cycle after the charger times out?  (e.g. charge your
> batteries twice before using them?)  10 amps isn't a lot of current, but
> it's not horribly horribly low (it's better than c/20, but not c/10).
> On the other hand, if it's still in the bulk charge stage (50-60% would
> indicate this) it should be putting 10 amps into the batteries for 10
> hours which should be 100 amp hours. Do it twice and it should be able
> to charge even a brand new 170 amp hour battery. Do you have a
> Kill-A-Watt to verify that the charger is actually drawing 10amps? Do
> you have an amp meter on the pack to verify that the batteries are
> taking 10 amps?
> If the charger can't get the pack to 140 volts or higher during the 2nd
> charge it might be a problem with your batteries, or a problem with the
> charger, or even a problem with the power cord  going to your charger
> (to long, too much resistance, etc...)
> But I wouldn't put it down to just the age of the charger or batteries
> before confirming how many amps you are actually putting in. Typically
> when lead acid get older they have less capacity, but you can still
> charge them up to a full voltage (using less Ah than when new!).
> Jay
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