On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:45 AM, EVDL Administrator <evp...@drmm.net> wrote:
> On 21 Apr 2014 at 12:34, Michael Ross wrote:
>> I don't think bottom balancing is cult-ish. (It IS rude to talk bout it
>> that way.) It is just complicated.
> I can see why you might think it rude.
> The term "cult" might be a bit strong.  But personally, I do see an an
> element of a sort of "religion" in some of the bottom-balancing folk. Others
> may not feel the same way.

In all fairness, your statement can be equally applied to the "BMS
only" crowd. As Michael and Damon point out, this is not as simple as
one thing works and another thing doesn't. There are many parameters
to consider in how a battery pack has been treated before anything can
really be said about a particular method. I was fortunate enough to
get 40 good cells. Now that I have 4 years and 18k miles on my pack
and it is still going strong and is not getting out of balance with no
balancing being done on any charge, you can see why I question the
"requirement" of having a top balancing BMS whether it is active or
passive. I purposely chose to go without the top balancing BMS I
started out with because no one could show me the theoretical reason
to have a top balancing BMS and I couldn't find one in all the
researching I did either. For my climate and setup my data is still
showing that a BMS is not necessary. Maybe if I lived where Jukka
lives I would have different results. I know I'm not the only one with
great results with no BMS. Blanket statements from either "camp" make
them appear cultish.

It may be that, as Jukka pointed out about the formation charges, I
was actually fortunate to have very slowly (10A into 20 paralleled
100Ah cells) charged my cells to 4.00V initially and for a short time
after installation. Now I charge to 3.455V/cell average. I don't
charge if the case temp is at or below freezing, and I rarely
discharge past 70%DOD.

As for other types of lithium batteries besides LiFePO4, I can't say
for sure, I haven't tested or researched them enough.

David D. Nelson
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