Sorry, got interrupted and accidentally sent it.

On Jun 26, 2014, at 5:20 PM, Cor van de Water via EV <> wrote:

>> Yes, an energy carrier. I won't argue efficiency with you.
> But that is the biggest problem of Hydrogen and the reason
> that everyone who understands Physics draws the conclusion
> that there is no future in Hydrogen as fuel because it is
> worse than just using the source energy (that what is used
> to generate the Hydrogen in the first place).
> Converting to Hydrogen is just creating a loss and a headache.
> (headache of containing and transporting this aggressive element)
> So, except for a few niches, there is no place for Hydrogen.

I will ignore the condescending comments.

If you are saying that using natural gas directly in an ICE as opposed to 
converting it to Hydrogen is a more efficient use, I would tell you that you 
are missing my point. I will take the blame for not communicating well enough.

The purpose of the ZEV mandate is to transform the fleet to *Zero* emission 
vehicles. We have public health standards that mandate these reductions. There 
is no method that I am currently aware of that can directly use natural gas (in 
an automobile) without combusting the fuel. Right there you have lost the 
design objective. Emissions are no longer zero.

> Of course, in a world void of scientists and filled with people
> who make vision papers based on someone else's fantasies,
> there is only one bright future - everything will be converted
> over to Hydrogen soon.

I'll ignore the condescending and insulting comments you've just made about the 
physicists and other scientists working on this.

>> Better hope that H2 is not a loser, because then we are all losers.
> Hope has never changed the laws of Physics that I am aware of.
> That is the reason that you get such a push-back on this list,
> because there are plenty people here who do not have an "opinion"
> about Hydrogen (opinions have also not changed Physics) but who
> *understand* how efficiency work in terms of Physics and therefor
> they can *calculate* that Hydrogen is a losing proposition.
> It was a clear red flag when you avoided at all cost to discuss
> the technical details or Physics, you are now even blatantly saying
> that you do not want to discuss that topic.
> Either you *know* that this is the biggest problem of FCV and you
> prefer to avoid that subject, or you are truly unaware of the
> hot air balloon that is being passed around and which will cost the
> Californian taxpaers many millions of dollars without resuting in
> anything that will actually help to improve clean air.
> All the more troubling that you, 30 year clean air activist, 
> are pursuing this non-option with so much vigor!!!
> For the record - I have no vested interest in or outside Hydrogen.
> I just have a BEV as daily driver and I am passionate about
> energy efficiency, because the best way to clean up pollution
> is to avoid creating it in the first place. And my background
> allows me to understand laws of Physics, which often leads me to
> clash with opinions that are based on anything but reality.
> In case I came across as argumentative, please excuse me, I am
> passionate about these subjects but I am always open to discuss
> the data and the Physics of possible solutions to evaluate what
> would be the best possible solution and which one does not fly.
> I have heard too many fantasies about Hydrogen Fuel Cell that it
> sometimes gets me on my soapbox.
> If you do not want to discuss data or Physics of FCV then I will
> take that you have a reason to hide the truth about Hydrogen's
> dark side and possibly you have a vested interest - I have seen
> those. But I have also seen Fuel Cell development councils that
> cancel the meetings on Hydrogen Fuel Cell, because they saw the
> light that it was just a hype, misleading governments worldwide
> to try and generate grants without chance of ever producing an
> energy efficient solution that would make a business case work.
> I applaud people who are flexibel and transparent enough to take
> new input and realize that they must change something, because
> what they were doing was not good.
> I, for one, hope that we can avoid strugging through H2 as loser
> and immediately go for a viable option as future.
> Cor van de Water
> Chief Scientist
> Proxim Wireless Corporation
> Email: Private:
> Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626
>>>> Most often that's 
>>>> natural gas (and IIRC the process produces more CO2 than getting an 
>>>> equivalent amount of energy by directly burning the gas).  
>>> The process produces less than  the petroleum we're trying to replace
> it with.
>> Citation needed.
>>> And the tailpipe emissions (the main driver for the regs) are zero.
>> If the anti-BEV crowd can flog the old canard that BEVs just transfer 
>> emissions to powerplant stacks, then they should also note that FCVs 
>> transfer emissions to the hydrogen production plants.  Do they?
>> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
>> EVDL Administrator
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