"But in the long run, when all the oil is gone, we will still need the density 
of chemical fuel for the long-haul interstate travel.  And
Hydrogen is one technology worth looking at." I disagree.  The only reason we 
could not power all our transportation needs from electricity is when you are 
operating somewhere that has none and it is not practical to provide it - ie in 
the middle of no-where and on a short timescale (ie no time to install PV or 
whatever).  For that, bio-fuels would work perfectly well and you could use 
ordinary ICE vehicles with it so no need to spend (yet more) countless billions 
developing FCVs and their equally insanely expensive infrastructure.

I'm sure you are saying "What about those long distance trucks?".  Well, aside 
from the obvious fact that most of this sort of transport should be on trains 
(preferably electric ones) there is no technical reason why trucks couldn't be 
EVs too and definitely not so if major highways were equipped with inductive 
power transfer technology.  This is simple to install and compared to what they 
are talking about spending on an H2 refuelling infrastructure, cheap as chips 


On 26 Jun 2014, at 15:32, Robert Bruninga via EV wrote:

> Folks,
> EV's and Hydorgen fuel cell cars are NOT in competition.  (except in
> Toyota's fantasy dreams)..  There is no need to get worked up.
> EV's are far, far better for local travel and daily commuting (80% of our
> miles).  But in the long run, when all the oil is gone, we will still need
> the density of chemical fuel for the long-haul interstate travel.  And
> Hydrogen is one technology worth looking at.
> As everyone points out, Hydrogen makes no sense compared to an EV in *all*
> aspects for what EV's do best.  But we need to continue to explore it for
> when HYDROGEN might become a byproduct of daily peak grid excess renewable
> energy capture (no matter how inefficient).
> EVs and FCV's are completely different applications.  And only the media
> and others who think anything with 4 wheels and a GO pedal should do
> everything-for-everyone sees them as both very limited and the same...
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: EV [mailto:ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org] On Behalf Of Martin WINLOW via
> EV
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:25 AM
> To: Mark Abramowitz; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Hydrogen/EV thoughts
> Mark,
> Please stop wittering on and actually address some of the points the anti
> H2 FCV commentators have made here.
> Principally, please explain how you believe H2 FCVs will work in terms of
> efficiency Vs (real ie plug-in) EVs?
> MW

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